Out shooting with Ben on Easter morning. First time I've taken pictures as a social activity. Mucho fun.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Pictures from one of the showers
Now this is a little heavy on the pictures of me. Jae thought I was sitting in some nice light and took several pictures of me. So this is not totally my narcissism.
Borrowed words
And I always said I loved you
I never said I loved you well
--Jeffrey Foucault, Cross of Flowers
Friday, March 28, 2008
Discarded, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.
Could almost illutrate The Consequences of Getting Up In the Morning
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Ben's picture, not mine
My neighbor Ben and I went "shooting" as they call it, Easter morning. Ben introduced me to the Albuquerque/Santa Fe Flickr Meetup group. Fascinating case of the Internet bringing together local folks. And fun, fun, fun. Folks in the group go shooting together, in groups as small as 2, and in much larger groups. This was my first meetup as part of the group, though it was just Ben and I. He made the perilous trip across the street to meet me at home. We strolled down to UNM, taking pictures on the way, chatting about photography, picking up some coffee, and then spending an hour or so wondering around campus and taking pictures.
Ben's title for this picture is, "Future Roadkill?" Oh, that's me in the picture.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Bathroom Window Study 2
This is a study, by which I mean a picture taken to test possibilities. To see if I want to invest the time to really work for a picture. For example, if this was the "real picture", Jae probably wouldn't be in her plaid pajamas :-)
I've had the idea that our bathroom, particularly with this window, had potential for people pictures. This study proves that for me. Expect more, similar.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
Kodak BW 400 CN
Shutter 60, f/1:5.6
February 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Nathan's Network teammates at the Albuquerque shaving, 2008. Jae and I shaved at this one in Albuquerque. Jim, who was in Chicago for the shaving on Friday, shaved in Phoenix on Saturday, and traveled with his family to Albuquerque to attend the shaving here on Sunday. It meant a lot to us that they were here, since we couldn't make it to the Chicago shaving.
The Albuquerque event raised about $38,000. Thanks to you guys, Jae and I combined were somewhere over $3,000 of that. You all have done a good thing you can be proud of, helping to save the lives of children.
The Albuquerque event had a lot of attendance and a lot of spirit. In the face of some harsh wind, I will add. Jae's parents also attended and put up with the wind. Priscilla took the pictures. There are several more at http://www.flickr.com/photos/joshgentry/sets/72157604136089957/.
Nathan's Network, as of today, has raised $36,834.50. The support for us, the shavees, the honoring of Nathan, the help for the kids who can still be cured, you donors humble us. Thank you.
A shout out to those who shaved and attended in Chicago, especially my sister Anna, and my parents. Wish we could have been together this weekend.
And I have to mention Liam. Everyone in the team contributed and I'm proud of each (such as my 9 months pregnant wife), but Liam has so far raised over $16,000. You rock, man.
Notice I have said, "so far," a few times. Pledges are still being accepted.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Surveillance Society
First, this is an unaltered photo. No editing, this is how it was taken. That knothole in the fence is the size of a penny. The person you see is across an alley and half a block away. It's worth looking at the big version.
Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
Kodak BW 400 CN
Shutter 125, f/1:4
February 2008, 4 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Other Side of Dusk
The other side of the same window as the picture, Dusk.
Took this picture 3 times. Each time I increased the shutter speed so that I could increase the aperature and reduce the depth of field. This was the 3rd picture, the one with the widest aperature, best of the 3.
Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
Kodak BW 400 CN
Shutter 250, f/1:1.9
March 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Limits of perception
Taken in my wildflower patch in the back, back yard. Experiment with depth of field.
The DoF is not the only experiment here. This particular film from Kodak is kinda funky. I think this picture would have looked different on Ilford or Kodak T-MAX. I like what it did for some pictures, and not at all for others.
Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
Kodak BW 400 CN
Shutter ?, f/1:1.9
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Snow Lilac
Pretty picture of snow that shows you what our yard looked like on a particular day? Composition free, artless throw away? Both?
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Why St. Baldrick's
St. Baldrick's raises money for research to combat these kids' cancers, research that is seeing other sources of funding cut. Pledge Josh to shave his head in solidarity with children who have lost their hair battling cancer, and save lives in the process.