Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Vine and drops

Vine and drops, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm 1:1.9
Kodak Gold 200
Cropped square with GIMP
January 2008

Day after the snow.


Anonymous said...

Nice, Josh! This is my favorite so far. I can't really see the drops on my computer screen, but I'm sure they are more evident on your print. What makes it work for me is the formalism. I love the squared up framing and the distinct layers, separated in space and also in texture, material, substance, color, shape. I feel like this one took more consideration (whether or not that's true hardly matters) where your previous postings seemed more like casual opportunities.

Josh Gentry said...

Thank you, James. I didn't know if anyone else was going to like it. It didn't do anything for the couple people around here I had showed it to.

I like what you like about it. There is the "layers" of the sky and fence, the fence under the vine, the drops on the vine. As you say, the contrasts in texture, space, and so on. I like the square cropping, and that is luck. This was the first frame on the film that exposed, and only part of it exposed. I pretty much had to crop it.

I've taken pictures of the vine on each roll of film I've taken so far, and this is the first one I like. I think the fact there is no center of interest is what makes it a dud for some.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this picture is definitely not "about" a particular thing in the way that a picture of "a fence" or "a vine" is. Maybe as you keep going you'll find ways to incorporate these ingredients with a direct subject.

PS -- The square cropping is cool, but you could do that with any shot, I think. What I meant was that you seemed to have taken pains to really align the fence and vine in the frame. The proportions and head-on alignment are very nice. I am thinking of that in comparison to the snowy fence with the knothole, for instance.

Sorry for sounding so... I dunno... full of myself with the dispensing the commentary. I just like talking photography and haven't got anything to distract me right now!

Josh Gentry said...

Sorry for sounding so... I dunno... full of myself with the dispensing the commentary. I just like talking photography and haven't got anything to distract me right now!

No, its excellent. Much fun.

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