I don't know any details except that she passed away at 12:46 PM yesterday. I had my phone off yesterday when her parents tried to call and tell me, so I found out later via text message. She was a very alive person. Liked to have fun, had a tendency to get into trouble, was a real sweetheart to me and my family. A day for grieving.
So sorry. No words.
Thanks, Luke.
I'm so sorry, Josh. We went to Jimmy Sheets' visitation last night--totally different. He had lived such a long, full life. Toni had so much to look forward to in life. I will keep her family in my prayers. Love, Mom
Thanks, Mom. It's sad when someone like Jimmy Sheets leaves us. Toni was just so young.
A young woman from Loyola died this week. She was 23. I didn't know her personally, but she worked at a local coffee shop, Metropolis, I patronize. She fell off her bike under a truck and was run over. She lived down the block from me. I can't shake this awful feeling about it. It is so terrible when the young are taken from us, as we all know. I'm thinking of you and Toni's family. Love you.
Thank you, Anna, and I'm so sorry to hear about the young Loyola woman. So much lost.
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