Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Leading the Rear, Uploading Photos

In my post, New Year's Resolution, I resolved to keep in touch with family and friends in ways that make me seem cool. Well, uploading photos to the net is status quo now, so I can't claim this makes me look cool, but I'm sharing some photos online. If you followed the link from yesterdays post, you've seen all of them already except the one I just uploaded.

Their is a woodworker, Eric Fryer, who is a genius. I had lusted over his work for years. About 2 years ago, Jae traded Eric a portrait of his wife for a rocking chair for me. It's all handmade, hardwood, mostly walnut. It's incredibly comfortable for a piece of wood furniture, and its simply gorgeous. This picture is not great, but it gives you an idea.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is remarkable that people can make such things. It does look very comfortable.

The other photos are neat, also. I like St. Josh. I definitely thought it was a medieval paiting when I saw the thumbnail off to the side.

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