Friday, October 02, 2009

Bosque Sunflowers

Bosque Sunflowers, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

Yet another bosque sunflowers picture, Josh style. It had been a rough day, and in between work and dinner out with family, I stopped in the Bosque for little walk. Just before dusk. Did me a world of good. Had my camera.

Vivitar V3000S
Vivitar 50 mm f/1:1.7
Kodak BW 400 CN
Shutter ?, fstop ?
Walgreens scan
September 30, 2009


Anna said...

I love this!

Josh Gentry said...

I'm really glad, Anna. I usually avoid taking flower pictures. I'm not sure I avoided cliche with this one, but I like it anyway. Glad you do, too.

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