Saturday, May 31, 2008

Get rich scheme

Square baloney.

Why do they make the bread square but the baloney round?

Not only is the idea of square baloney brilliant, but with food prices rising, I gotta think people are switching from the fancy deli counter to things like, baloney. Now is the time. He who makes square baloney will make a fortune. Toss a few bucks to me for the idea, would ya?

Show me your butts

Show me your butts, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
Fujifilm Fujicolor Pro 160S
Walgreens scan

Friday, May 30, 2008

, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

Another from the riding the bus series. Large

Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
Fujifilm Fujicolor Pro 160S
Walgreens scan

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


371325-R1-062-29A_029, originally uploaded by Josh's home.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Yellow #3

371325-R1-058-27A_027, originally uploaded by Josh's home.

His changing table has been a great place to take pictures of him.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Rio Gentry

Rio Gentry, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

Another from the Bus series. Liking this Fuji film. I'm getting some more.

Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
Fujifilm Fujicolor Pro 160S
Walgreens scan

Sunday, May 25, 2008

371325-R1-056-26A_026, originally uploaded by Josh's home.


371325-R1-054-25A_025, originally uploaded by Josh's home.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Home Maker

Home Maker, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
Fujifilm Fujicolor Pro 160S
Walgreens scan

Friday, May 23, 2008

Thanks, Nina

Thanks, Nina, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

Nina made us dinner Tuesday, despite her own crazy schedule. We heated it up on this stove, and it gave us more time to take care of this little guy, and ourselves. So this picture is dedicated to Nina Simbana.

This picture was one of many recent experiments. One reason simply that its a different camera. The other 35mm photos are taken with one of the Yashicas. This one was taken with Jae's Vivitar V3000S. The other and related reason it was an experiment is that the light meter on that camera isn't working. Exposure is all guess. Finally, I got playful with the composition.

Vivitar V3000S
Vivitar 50 mm f/1:1.7
Kodak BW 400 CN
Shutter ?, fstop ?
Walgreens scan, cropped a bit

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bus stop still life 2

Bus stop still life 2, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

Similar to Bust stop still life 1, but on the opposite side of the parking barrier, and thus in the sun, giving some value contrast and brighter,warmer colors. While moving the still life setup from one side to the other, the cardboard blew out into the street. I had to chase it. It's a busy street.

Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
Fujifilm Fujicolor Pro 400H
Walgreens scan

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My beamish boy

Alley Lands

Alley Lands, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

Taken while waiting for the Rapid Ride at the Frontier.

Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
shutter 2000, fstop 1/4
Fujifilm Fujicolor Pro 400H
Walgreens scan

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bus stop still life 1

Bus stop still life 1, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

One of the changes that has accompanied James' birth, is that I'm riding the bus to work. This cuts even more into the schedule, but I determined to turn it in my favor. I started carrying my camera bag to work instead of my book bag. Now bus time is photo time.

Another positive note, I'm doing some experimenting. I never would have arranged this picture if I wasn't working within the time constraints and working to see what I could find at the bus stop.

Also, I'm trying some different film. All the color stuff I've shot to date was Kodak Gold. It's the color film you find anywhere they sell film. Nothing wrong with it, takes some nice pictures. But its fun to see the differences when you use something different. This is Fuji.

Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
Fujifilm Fujicolor Pro 400H
Walgreens scan


Sunday, May 11, 2008

He's bigger than that now

He's bigger than that now, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

A picture for Mother's Day.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Ties that bind

Ties that bind, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Parenthood, Day 7

Parenthood, Day 7, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

We struggled that first week. There is the stress and fatigue of labor and delivery. The days in the hospital. The beginning of the learning curve. Coming home and trying to figure it out.

When I took this picture, he wasn't eating enough, wasn't gaining back his birth weight the way he was supposed to. We were spending all our time and energy getting him to eat enough. No time left for sleep, each other, meals, a shower. Sleep deprivation.

I knew it was going to be a big deal, but it was harder than I thought. We were struggling too much to enjoy James there at the beginning.

It has gotten much better, since. We are still trying to find our new routine, but we are sleeping more, he's eating enough, he's happier, and we are really beginning to enjoy him.

I cropped the scan. That's the only modification.

Friday, May 02, 2008

We made this

We made this, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

In living color

In living color, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

The family shot for the day.

Mutiple generations

Mutiple generations, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

To see all my flax pictures.

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