Thursday, October 16, 2008

Portrait of a straw

Portrait of a straw, originally uploaded by Josh Gentry.

I'm in a slump. I took some pictures I really liked, and now I've taken a few rolls with none I really liked. The most recent roll has several pictures that are almost there, but aren't. Like this one. If I'd put the straw on the dark stripe, that might have done it. Frustrating. On the first go through, this is probably the best picture from that />
Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
Yashica lens 50 mm f/1:1.9
Kodak BW 400 CN
Walgreens scan,

Levels manipulated in GIMP.


Anna said...

I like this one, too.

Josh Gentry said...

Thanks, Anna. I really appreciate the feedback.

Matt Dick said...

My problem with this picture is that I don't think this is about the straw. It's about the pavement that is in and out of the field of focus, and the straw doesn't do the job my eye wants it to do, which is to delineate the transition.

I think.

Josh Gentry said...

Interesting, Matt. I love this kind of critique. My intention was for your eye to travel through changing texture and value, with the straw being the highlight, the accent. It didn't quite work, and I was thinking the straw should be part of the transition to the darker value at the top. Now that you mention it, I see your point about the focus. I think I would have done better to have the whole picture in focus.

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